Command Purpose
cd Sets location in filesystem
ls Displays contents of directory
file Determines file’s type
cat Displays file’s contents
more Displays file’s contents one screen at a time
less Displays file’s contents one screen at a time
wc Shows character, word, and line counts
head Displays first few lines of a file
tail Displays last few lines of a file
touch Changes file’s timestamp; create an empty file
cp Copies a file
dd Copies a file from one device to another
mv Changes a file’s name or location in the filesystem
rm Deletes a file
mkdir Creates a directory
rmdir Deletes a directory
Process text streams using filters
bash$ cat testfile
This line occurs only once.
This line occurs twice.
This line occurs twice.
This line occurs three times.
This line occurs three times.
This line occurs three times.
bash$ uniq -c testfile
1 This line occurs only once.
2 This line occurs twice.
3 This line occurs three times.
Linux simple shell commands
Linux commands general format:
command [-option] parameter1 parameter2 ...
startx - start x window system ()
init 3 - 關閉圖形介面, 進入純文字介面的環境
uname - 顯示linux kernel版本
[root@localhost ~]# uname -r
shutdown - 關閉系統
[root@localhost ~]# shutdown -h now <---現在關閉系統
[root@localhost ~]# shutdown -r +1 <---一分鐘後reboot
pwd - 顯示所在目錄位置
ls - 顯示當前目錄檔案
man - 顯示指令說明
cat,more,less - 顯示檔案內容
echo - 在螢幕上面顯示變數
[root@localhost ~]# echo $PATH /usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/root/bin
[root@localhost ~]# myname=ray <---等號兩邊不能直接接空白字元
[root@localhost ~]# echo $myname ray
env - 觀察環境變數與常見環境變數說明
set - 觀察所有變數 (含環境變數與自訂變數)
export - 自訂變數轉成環境變數
history - 顯示執行過的指令
Linux Bootup Process
1. Hardware poweron
> hardware test, load BIOS
> Find boot device (harddisk, cdrom, usb...)
2. Load harddisk & Boot loader (GRUB)
> Execute boot loader in MBR
> Boot menu select OS
> The MBR then needs to know which partitions on the disk have boot loader code specific to their operating systems in their boot sectors and then attempts to boot one of them.
3. Load kernel
> Load kernel into memory
> Detect hardware and load the driver
> pass control on to the kernel
4. Kernel init task
> Establish memory management
> detects the type of CPU
> any additional functionality
5. Run the /sbin/init program
> system check
> verify the integrity of the file systems
> start vital programs for operating system to function properly.
> Inspects the /etc/inittab file to determine operation mode or runlevel
> launch process depend on runlevel
6. System initialization
> run /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
7. Init run level service
8. Init run file in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
9. Init prepare login environment and wait user login
> hardware test, load BIOS
> Find boot device (harddisk, cdrom, usb...)
2. Load harddisk & Boot loader (GRUB)
> Execute boot loader in MBR
> Boot menu select OS
> The MBR then needs to know which partitions on the disk have boot loader code specific to their operating systems in their boot sectors and then attempts to boot one of them.
3. Load kernel
> Load kernel into memory
> Detect hardware and load the driver
> pass control on to the kernel
4. Kernel init task
> Establish memory management
> detects the type of CPU
> any additional functionality
5. Run the /sbin/init program
> system check
> verify the integrity of the file systems
> start vital programs for operating system to function properly.
> Inspects the /etc/inittab file to determine operation mode or runlevel
> launch process depend on runlevel
6. System initialization
> run /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit
7. Init run level service
8. Init run file in /etc/rc.d/rc.local
9. Init prepare login environment and wait user login
Redhat==Linux忠實擁護著==半封閉式的Open Source
台 灣目前沒有自行研發的Linux Distribution,根據調查,使用率最高的是RedHat Linux,引用國內Linufab的調查資料所知,使用Linux的人52%都使用Redhat,因此Redhat相對性的應用性產品最多,其中 RedHat所研發出來的RPM套件機制更是廣泛被各大Linux Distribution所使用,但是事實上RedHat並非是最好的Distribution,因為其在軟體的安裝上需要各軟體套件高度的相依性 (package dependence):,常造成一般使用著極大的困擾〈可以參考以下網址 /linux_redhat7.2/37command_5rpmtarball.html〉,且由於RedHat內含了非標準的系統核心修補程式,這會 讓使用者自行設定系統的時候遇到困難,支援RedHat的軟體不管是商業或非商業軟體最多,這當然是其他Distribution所比不上的優勢。還有一 點就是台灣的非營利性組織CLE專門針對RedHat做繁體中文化的工作。更重要的是當你遇到問題能夠替你解決問題的人也越多。
Mandrake===新手的Linux==全開放式的Open Source
Linux Mandrake 發行套件是由 MandrakeSoft 公司所發行的。該公司是在一九九八年由一群 Linux 狂熱者所共同組成,並且努力朝向讓 Linux 易於使用的目標前進。為了達到這個目標,Mandrake 提供了一個極佳的圖形介面安裝程式。
Mandrake是這一年來最紅的Linux Distribution,其標榜的就是可以跟視窗比美的簡易安裝過程,安裝的過程是所有的Distribution中最容易安裝且最容易做系統多重分割 的喔,而且畫面也最精緻,也許跟這Distribution是法國人發明的原因,所以多了一點法國人的浪費,除此之外他的中文化也做得最 好,Mandrake 著重卓面用戶,在安裝及使用上比較簡單,及採用比較多圖形介面,所以對於新手來說是一個不錯的選擇,如果你是想使用Mandrake作為替代 Windows的系統,推薦你使用Mandrake,但是由於Mandrake是根據RedHat作修改,因此RedHat的缺點Mandrake不只 有,Mandrake更是把它發揚光大,比如rpm的問題,沒有辦法很好的處理隨插即用ISA卡。不過由於它是屬於全開放式的Open Source Liinux ,所以它的軟體研發跟更新速度是非常的快。
Debian==進階的LInux==穩定性的Open Source
Debian 於一九九三年八月十六日誕生,主要是希望能提供一個穩定且無問題的 Linux Distribution。Debian 並無企業的支持,完全是由很多的研發人員自行研發,Debian出名在於其穩定性,主要是由於其利用了外掛認證模組讓眾多的研發人員可以處理軟體認證的問 題,也相對的保障了Debian的穩定性。
問題在於Debian完全是純文字安裝介面,初學著不適合使用這Distribution,甚至連分割都只有類似fdisk的工具,無法自動分割,因此 Debian實在不適合初學著使用,而且由於其講求穩定性,因此該Distribution的核心跟軟體總是比較舊。提到Debian就要提到其最著名的 更新軟體==APT,這軟體是由Debian所研發,其最突出的功能就是能夠非常完整的解決RPM相依性和更新軟體的問題,這軟體能夠良好的解決各 Linux Distribution軟體的安裝和更新問題。
提到歐洲的Linux Distribution,RedHat根本不夠看,Susse才是大哥大,SuSe是由德國S.u.S.E. Gmbh於五年前開始發展S.u.S.E. Linux 4.2 是其第一個Distribution,SuSe的優點在於其跟很多的資料庫大廠甲骨文以及 IBM 這類資料庫廠商達成合作夥伴關係,讓他們的資料庫產品能夠在 SuSE Linux 發行套件上面順暢地運作,因此其穩定性跟強調資料庫的特性讓其在歐洲極受歡迎,Debian」的軟體資料庫應該說是是眾家Linux中最完整的,從來源、 作者、ftp、www、patch、管理者都有詳細的記錄,安裝系統也考慮的比RPM來得週到,許多的Distribution都會借用Debian系統 設計的觀念,「Debian」提供「Intel」、「Alpha」、「Motorola 68K」、「Sun SPARC」等眾多版本;此外也正在對「ARM」、「MIPS」、「Sun UltraSPARC」、「GNU Hurd」、「Beowulf」做支援,不僅系統穩定支援也多,對於XWindows的支援也有它的一套。 「Debian」使用族群主要在Linux的進階族群,商業氣息目前不高,銷量並不像其它Distribution那麼好,但其潛在商業價值非常地高。
OpenLinux==Caldera完全封閉極度商業化 Open Sources
唯一有在台灣設立分公司的 Linux開發公司,這個月宣佈Caldera OpenLinux 將更改為 SCO Linux powered by UnitedLinux ,Caldera Open Unix 將更改為 SCO UnixWare ,Caldera 夥伴計劃更改為 TeamSCO ,Caldera 全球服務更改為 SCO 全球服務,同時提供Linux 跟 Unix服務。
OpenLinux在台灣推廣最為積極,不僅設立公司而且跟翔威資訊還有聯成電腦合作開發認證課程合作,因此有不少的公司採用該系統,不過由於該公司採 用封閉式的方式開發Open Linux所以軟體跟核心的更新速度極漫,不是很受開放性社群的歡迎,但是由於其封閉式的特性使得該公司對於核心的掌握跟軟體的穩定性提供了極佳的保障, 這也是為何它是除了RedHat外賣得最好的Distribution。
Redhat==Linux忠實擁護著==半封閉式的Open Source
台 灣目前沒有自行研發的Linux Distribution,根據調查,使用率最高的是RedHat Linux,引用國內Linufab的調查資料所知,使用Linux的人52%都使用Redhat,因此Redhat相對性的應用性產品最多,其中 RedHat所研發出來的RPM套件機制更是廣泛被各大Linux Distribution所使用,但是事實上RedHat並非是最好的Distribution,因為其在軟體的安裝上需要各軟體套件高度的相依性 (package dependence):,常造成一般使用著極大的困擾〈可以參考以下網址 /linux_redhat7.2/37command_5rpmtarball.html〉,且由於RedHat內含了非標準的系統核心修補程式,這會 讓使用者自行設定系統的時候遇到困難,支援RedHat的軟體不管是商業或非商業軟體最多,這當然是其他Distribution所比不上的優勢。還有一 點就是台灣的非營利性組織CLE專門針對RedHat做繁體中文化的工作。更重要的是當你遇到問題能夠替你解決問題的人也越多。
Mandrake===新手的Linux==全開放式的Open Source
Linux Mandrake 發行套件是由 MandrakeSoft 公司所發行的。該公司是在一九九八年由一群 Linux 狂熱者所共同組成,並且努力朝向讓 Linux 易於使用的目標前進。為了達到這個目標,Mandrake 提供了一個極佳的圖形介面安裝程式。
Mandrake是這一年來最紅的Linux Distribution,其標榜的就是可以跟視窗比美的簡易安裝過程,安裝的過程是所有的Distribution中最容易安裝且最容易做系統多重分割 的喔,而且畫面也最精緻,也許跟這Distribution是法國人發明的原因,所以多了一點法國人的浪費,除此之外他的中文化也做得最 好,Mandrake 著重卓面用戶,在安裝及使用上比較簡單,及採用比較多圖形介面,所以對於新手來說是一個不錯的選擇,如果你是想使用Mandrake作為替代 Windows的系統,推薦你使用Mandrake,但是由於Mandrake是根據RedHat作修改,因此RedHat的缺點Mandrake不只 有,Mandrake更是把它發揚光大,比如rpm的問題,沒有辦法很好的處理隨插即用ISA卡。不過由於它是屬於全開放式的Open Source Liinux ,所以它的軟體研發跟更新速度是非常的快。
Debian==進階的LInux==穩定性的Open Source
Debian 於一九九三年八月十六日誕生,主要是希望能提供一個穩定且無問題的 Linux Distribution。Debian 並無企業的支持,完全是由很多的研發人員自行研發,Debian出名在於其穩定性,主要是由於其利用了外掛認證模組讓眾多的研發人員可以處理軟體認證的問 題,也相對的保障了Debian的穩定性。
問題在於Debian完全是純文字安裝介面,初學著不適合使用這Distribution,甚至連分割都只有類似fdisk的工具,無法自動分割,因此 Debian實在不適合初學著使用,而且由於其講求穩定性,因此該Distribution的核心跟軟體總是比較舊。提到Debian就要提到其最著名的 更新軟體==APT,這軟體是由Debian所研發,其最突出的功能就是能夠非常完整的解決RPM相依性和更新軟體的問題,這軟體能夠良好的解決各 Linux Distribution軟體的安裝和更新問題。
提到歐洲的Linux Distribution,RedHat根本不夠看,Susse才是大哥大,SuSe是由德國S.u.S.E. Gmbh於五年前開始發展S.u.S.E. Linux 4.2 是其第一個Distribution,SuSe的優點在於其跟很多的資料庫大廠甲骨文以及 IBM 這類資料庫廠商達成合作夥伴關係,讓他們的資料庫產品能夠在 SuSE Linux 發行套件上面順暢地運作,因此其穩定性跟強調資料庫的特性讓其在歐洲極受歡迎,Debian」的軟體資料庫應該說是是眾家Linux中最完整的,從來源、 作者、ftp、www、patch、管理者都有詳細的記錄,安裝系統也考慮的比RPM來得週到,許多的Distribution都會借用Debian系統 設計的觀念,「Debian」提供「Intel」、「Alpha」、「Motorola 68K」、「Sun SPARC」等眾多版本;此外也正在對「ARM」、「MIPS」、「Sun UltraSPARC」、「GNU Hurd」、「Beowulf」做支援,不僅系統穩定支援也多,對於XWindows的支援也有它的一套。 「Debian」使用族群主要在Linux的進階族群,商業氣息目前不高,銷量並不像其它Distribution那麼好,但其潛在商業價值非常地高。
OpenLinux==Caldera完全封閉極度商業化 Open Sources
唯一有在台灣設立分公司的 Linux開發公司,這個月宣佈Caldera OpenLinux 將更改為 SCO Linux powered by UnitedLinux ,Caldera Open Unix 將更改為 SCO UnixWare ,Caldera 夥伴計劃更改為 TeamSCO ,Caldera 全球服務更改為 SCO 全球服務,同時提供Linux 跟 Unix服務。
OpenLinux在台灣推廣最為積極,不僅設立公司而且跟翔威資訊還有聯成電腦合作開發認證課程合作,因此有不少的公司採用該系統,不過由於該公司採 用封閉式的方式開發Open Linux所以軟體跟核心的更新速度極漫,不是很受開放性社群的歡迎,但是由於其封閉式的特性使得該公司對於核心的掌握跟軟體的穩定性提供了極佳的保障, 這也是為何它是除了RedHat外賣得最好的Distribution。
Cache 50 Windows logins for better availability (快取的網域登入資訊)
快取 Windows 記憶體前一個使用者的登入資訊在本機,以便如果在更新登入嘗試時無法使用登入伺服器,它們可以登入。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"cachedlogonscount"="0 - 50"
快取 Windows 記憶體前一個使用者的登入資訊在本機,以便如果在更新登入嘗試時無法使用登入伺服器,它們可以登入。
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Winlogon]
"cachedlogonscount"="0 - 50"
Virtualization - VMLite XP Mode
- Provides similar functions as Virtual PC and Windows XP Mode from Microsoft
- No requirement for hardware-assisted virtualization, namely, it runs without VT-x or AMD-v
- Provides seamless integration with host desktop to run applications from Windows XP virtual machine
- Host files can be accessed from within the XP Mode virtual machine easily
- Control-C/V can be used to copy files and other contexts between host and vm, between different vms.
- Support 3rd party virtual machine images: VMDK, VHD, VDI, HDD
- Runs on any PC with Windows XP and above as host operating systems
- Highly performed, XP Mode boots in 20 seconds
- Supports XP, Vista, Windows 7, 2003 server, 2008 server as guest, for example, you can run Windows 7 on XP to have similar integration features
- Supports Virtual Application Mode - if you start a vm application from host Start menu, this program is launched within a special context, called "Virtual Application Mode", where My Documents, My Desktop, and other special shell folders will be redirected to the host. For example, if you launch XP Mode Word from host Start menu, you will see green borders, and when you save a new document to My Documents, it will be actually saved to your host My Documents folder.
Ubuntu pppoe dialup problem with Network Manager
Step1: ensure eth is ready
Step2: >sudo service network-manager stop
Step3: >sudo pppoeconf
Step4(optional): add nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf
Step2: >sudo service network-manager stop
Step3: >sudo pppoeconf
Step4(optional): add nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf
Mozilla Firefox & Thunderbird remove master password
Method 1: Go to Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\xxxxxxx.default and rename key3.db to key3.db.bak
Method 2: run the url chrome://pippki/content/resetpassword.xul and press the reset buttom.
For thunderbird, you can evaluate the url in Tools>Error console.
Method 2: run the url chrome://pippki/content/resetpassword.xul and press the reset buttom.
For thunderbird, you can evaluate the url in Tools>Error console.
IDS vs. IPS Explained
Layered security is the key to protecting any size network, and for most companies, that means deploying both intrusion detection systems (IDS) and intrusion prevention systems (IPS). When it comes to IPS and IDS, it?s not a question of which technology to add to your security infrastructure ? both are required for maximum protection against malicious traffic. In fact, vendors are increasingly combining the two technologies into a single box.
At its most basic, an IDS device is passive, watching packets of data traverse the network from a monitoring port, comparing the traffic to configured rules, and setting off an alarm if it detects anything suspicious. An IDS can detect several types of malicious traffic that would slip by a typical firewall, including network attacks against services, data-driven attacks on applications, host-based attacks like unauthorized logins, and malware like viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Most IDS products use several methods to detect threats, usually signature-based detection, anomaly-based detection, and stateful protocol analysis.
At its most basic, an IPS has all the features of a good IDS, but can also stop malicious traffic from invading the enterprise. Unlike an IDS, an IPS sits inline with traffic flows on a network, actively shutting down attempted attacks as they?re sent over the wire. It can stop the attack by terminating the network connection or user session originating the attack, by blocking access to the target from the user account, IP address, or other attribute associated with that attacker, or by blocking all access to the targeted host, service, or application.
In addition, an IPS can respond to a detected threat in two other ways. It can reconfigure other security controls, such as a firewall or router, to block an attack. Some IPS devices can even apply patches if the host has particular vulnerabilities. In addition, some IPS can remove the malicious contents of an attack to mitigate the packets, perhaps deleting an infected attachment from an email before forwarding the email to the user.
At its most basic, an IDS device is passive, watching packets of data traverse the network from a monitoring port, comparing the traffic to configured rules, and setting off an alarm if it detects anything suspicious. An IDS can detect several types of malicious traffic that would slip by a typical firewall, including network attacks against services, data-driven attacks on applications, host-based attacks like unauthorized logins, and malware like viruses, Trojan horses, and worms. Most IDS products use several methods to detect threats, usually signature-based detection, anomaly-based detection, and stateful protocol analysis.
At its most basic, an IPS has all the features of a good IDS, but can also stop malicious traffic from invading the enterprise. Unlike an IDS, an IPS sits inline with traffic flows on a network, actively shutting down attempted attacks as they?re sent over the wire. It can stop the attack by terminating the network connection or user session originating the attack, by blocking access to the target from the user account, IP address, or other attribute associated with that attacker, or by blocking all access to the targeted host, service, or application.
In addition, an IPS can respond to a detected threat in two other ways. It can reconfigure other security controls, such as a firewall or router, to block an attack. Some IPS devices can even apply patches if the host has particular vulnerabilities. In addition, some IPS can remove the malicious contents of an attack to mitigate the packets, perhaps deleting an infected attachment from an email before forwarding the email to the user.
Setup Openssl + freeRADIUS
Openssl Ceritification Step
1. Create ca certification by openssl
#cd /etc/ssl/
#/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca -- ubuntu directory
#/usr/share/ssl/misc/ -newca -- opensuse directory
CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
Making CA certificate ...
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './CA/private/cakey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase: 12345
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: 12345
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:TW
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Taipei
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Taipei
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:QMI
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:DQA
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:rootca
Email Address []
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []: don't need to input
An optional company name []: don't need to input
Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
Using configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem: 12345
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number:
Not Before: Mar 17 14:38:09 2008 GMT
Not After : Mar 17 14:38:09 2011 GMT
countryName = TW
stateOrProvinceName = LinKou
organizationName = QMI
organizationalUnitName = DQA
commonName = rootca
emailAddress =
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Certificate is to be certified until Mar 17 14:38:09 2011 GMT (1095 days)
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
1. Create ca certification by openssl
#cd /etc/ssl/
#/usr/lib/ssl/misc/ -newca -- ubuntu directory
#/usr/share/ssl/misc/ -newca -- opensuse directory
CA certificate filename (or enter to create)
Making CA certificate ...
Generating a 1024 bit RSA private key
writing new private key to './CA/private/cakey.pem'
Enter PEM pass phrase: 12345
Verifying - Enter PEM pass phrase: 12345
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [AU]:TW
State or Province Name (full name) [Some-State]:Taipei
Locality Name (eg, city) []:Taipei
Organization Name (eg, company) [Internet Widgits Pty Ltd]:QMI
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:DQA
Common Name (eg, YOUR name) []:rootca
Email Address []
Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []: don't need to input
An optional company name []: don't need to input
Using configuration from /usr/lib/ssl/openssl.cnf
Using configuration from /usr/share/ssl/openssl.cnf
Enter pass phrase for ./demoCA/private/cakey.pem: 12345
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
Serial Number:
Not Before: Mar 17 14:38:09 2008 GMT
Not After : Mar 17 14:38:09 2011 GMT
countryName = TW
stateOrProvinceName = LinKou
organizationName = QMI
organizationalUnitName = DQA
commonName = rootca
emailAddress =
X509v3 extensions:
X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:
X509v3 Basic Constraints:
Certificate is to be certified until Mar 17 14:38:09 2011 GMT (1095 days)
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
Response authenticator based Shared Secret Attack
Attacker observes a valid access request packet and the associated return packet(access-accept/access-reject packet), then launch offline exhaustive attack on the shared secret.
They can guess shared secret by pre-compute MD5(Code+ID+length+RequestAuth+Attributes) and resume the hash once.
User-Password Attribute Based Shared Secret Attack
Attacker observes the traffic and try to authenticate to client with a known password, and capture the resulting Access-Request packet and XOR the User-password attribute with the password they provided to client. This results in the value of MD5(S+RA). RA is known in the client request packet, so attacker can launch offline exhaustive attack to get shared secret.
User-Password Based Password Attack
As the previous attack method, attacker can get the value of MD5(S+RA), and replay the modified access request packet as pretending a client. If server dosen't impose user based rate limits, this will allow the attacker to get the correct password.
Request Authenticator Based Attacks
The security of RADIUS depends on the generation of the RA(Request Authenticator) field, but a lot of implementations using poor PRNG(pseudo random number generation) to generate the RA. If the client uses a PRNG that repeats values (or has a short cycle), the protocol ceases to provide the intended level of protection.
These attacks require the attacker to cause client to produce a particular identifier value. An attacker can insert a series of extra requests to the client, forcing the desired identifier. Even if the identifier were not generated in a readily attackable way, it would still only increase the work factor by 256 times.
Passive User-Password Compromise Through Repeated Request Authenticator
Build dictionary RA--User Password Attribure
If the attacker can sniff the traffic between the RADIUS client and the RADIUS server, they can passively produce a dictionary of Request Authenticators, and the associated (protected) User-Password attributes. If the attacker observes a repeated Request Authenticator, they can remove any influence of the Shared Secret from the first 16 octets of the passwords by XORing the first 16 octets of the protected passwords together. This yields the first 16 octets of the two (now unprotected) user passwords XORed together.
Active User-Password Compromise through Repeated Request Authenticators
Build dictionary RA--MD(S+RA)
Attacker authenticate many times using known passwords and intercept the generated Access-Request packets, extracting the RA and user-password attribute. Then XOR the known password with user-password attribute and be left with the MD5(S+RA) value. Finally, the attacker generates a dictionary of RA and associated MD5(S+RA) value.
Attacker can use this dictionary(RA--MD(S+RA)) to recover the first 16 octets from the protected region of the user password, since c1=p1 XOR MD5(S+RA).
Replay of Server Responses through Repeated Request Authenticators
DOS arising from the prediction of the Request Authenticators
Build dictionary predict RA values and associated server response, then response the client's valid request with access-reject packets, implement DOS.
Attacker observes a valid access request packet and the associated return packet(access-accept/access-reject packet), then launch offline exhaustive attack on the shared secret.
They can guess shared secret by pre-compute MD5(Code+ID+length+RequestAuth+Attributes) and resume the hash once.
User-Password Attribute Based Shared Secret Attack
Attacker observes the traffic and try to authenticate to client with a known password, and capture the resulting Access-Request packet and XOR the User-password attribute with the password they provided to client. This results in the value of MD5(S+RA). RA is known in the client request packet, so attacker can launch offline exhaustive attack to get shared secret.
User-Password Based Password Attack
As the previous attack method, attacker can get the value of MD5(S+RA), and replay the modified access request packet as pretending a client. If server dosen't impose user based rate limits, this will allow the attacker to get the correct password.
Request Authenticator Based Attacks
The security of RADIUS depends on the generation of the RA(Request Authenticator) field, but a lot of implementations using poor PRNG(pseudo random number generation) to generate the RA. If the client uses a PRNG that repeats values (or has a short cycle), the protocol ceases to provide the intended level of protection.
These attacks require the attacker to cause client to produce a particular identifier value. An attacker can insert a series of extra requests to the client, forcing the desired identifier. Even if the identifier were not generated in a readily attackable way, it would still only increase the work factor by 256 times.
Passive User-Password Compromise Through Repeated Request Authenticator
Build dictionary RA--User Password Attribure
If the attacker can sniff the traffic between the RADIUS client and the RADIUS server, they can passively produce a dictionary of Request Authenticators, and the associated (protected) User-Password attributes. If the attacker observes a repeated Request Authenticator, they can remove any influence of the Shared Secret from the first 16 octets of the passwords by XORing the first 16 octets of the protected passwords together. This yields the first 16 octets of the two (now unprotected) user passwords XORed together.
Active User-Password Compromise through Repeated Request Authenticators
Build dictionary RA--MD(S+RA)
Attacker authenticate many times using known passwords and intercept the generated Access-Request packets, extracting the RA and user-password attribute. Then XOR the known password with user-password attribute and be left with the MD5(S+RA) value. Finally, the attacker generates a dictionary of RA and associated MD5(S+RA) value.
Attacker can use this dictionary(RA--MD(S+RA)) to recover the first 16 octets from the protected region of the user password, since c1=p1 XOR MD5(S+RA).
Replay of Server Responses through Repeated Request Authenticators
Using dictionary RA--ID--associate server response
Attacker observe the client request, check RA and ID from the dictionary, then pretend as server the return the associate response to client.DOS arising from the prediction of the Request Authenticators
Build dictionary predict RA values and associated server response, then response the client's valid request with access-reject packets, implement DOS.
RADIUS authentication procedure
RADIUS packet is below (from the RFC):
0 1 2 3 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Code | Identifier | Length | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | | | Authenticator | | | | | +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ | Attributes ... +-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-
- The code establishes the type of RADIUS packet. The codes are:
Value | Description |
1 | Access-Request |
2 | Access-Accept |
3 | Access-Reject |
4 | Accounting-Request |
5 | Accounting-Response |
11 | Access-Challenge |
12 | Status-Server (experimental) |
13 | Status-Client (experimental) |
255 | Reserved |
- The identifier is a one octet value that allows the RADIUS client to match a RADIUS response with the correct outstanding request. it is usually implemented as a simple counter that is incremented for each request.
- The attributes section is where an arbitrary number of attribute fields are stored. The only pertinent attributes for this discussion are the User-Name and User-Password attributes.
Initial client processing
The client creates an Access-Request RADIUS packet, including at least the User-Name and User-Password attributes.
The Access-Request packet's identifier field is generated by the client.
The Access-Request packet contains a 16 octet Request Authenticator in the authenticator field. This Request authenticator is a randomly chosen 16 octet string.
This packet is completely unprotected, except for the User-Password attribute, which is protected as follows:
c1 = p1 XOR MD5(S + RA)
c2 = p2 XOR MD5(S + c1)
cn = pn XOR MD5(S + cn-1)
c2 = p2 XOR MD5(S + c1)
cn = pn XOR MD5(S + cn-1)
The User-Password attribute contains c1+c2+...+cn, Where + denotes concatenation.
Here S is shared secret in server or client, RA is psuedo-random 128bit request authenticator, p1,p2 and so on is 16 octet block by breaking the password
Server processing
- Extract the username and password using the same shared secret
- Validate the account
- Compute response authenticator which is MD5(code+ID+Length+RequestAuth+Attribute+secret), and send back the response packet to client
Client post processing
- Match ID
- Compute the Response Authenticator as the server performed
- Check the code field for the result
If the client received a verified Access-Accept packet, the username and password are considered to be correct, and the user is authenticated.
Linux - Ubuntu general shortcut
General keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+A = Select all (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+C = Copy (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+V = Paste (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+N = New (Create a new document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+O = Open (Open a document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+S = Save (Save the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+P = Print (Print the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+E = Send To... (Send the current document to an email recipient or remote location, not in terminal)
Ctrl+W = Close (Close the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+Q = Quit (Quit the application, not in terminal)
Ctrl + Alt + F1 = Switch to the first virtual terminal
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = Select the different virtual terminals
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = Switch to current terminal session with X
Ctrl+Alt++ = Switch to next X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)
Ctrl+Alt+- = Switch to previous X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace = Kill X server
Alt+Tab = Switch between open programs
Printscrn = Print sreen
Ctrl+A = Select all (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+C = Copy (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+V = Paste (In Documents, Firefox, Nautilus, etc, not Terminal)
Ctrl+N = New (Create a new document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+O = Open (Open a document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+S = Save (Save the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+P = Print (Print the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+E = Send To... (Send the current document to an email recipient or remote location, not in terminal)
Ctrl+W = Close (Close the current document, not in terminal)
Ctrl+Q = Quit (Quit the application, not in terminal)
Ctrl + Alt + F1 = Switch to the first virtual terminal
Ctrl + Alt + F2(F3)(F4)(F5)(F6) = Select the different virtual terminals
Ctrl + Alt + F7 = Switch to current terminal session with X
Ctrl+Alt++ = Switch to next X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)
Ctrl+Alt+- = Switch to previous X resolution (Depends of your X configuration)
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace = Kill X server
Alt+Tab = Switch between open programs
Printscrn = Print sreen
1. Hello - Hello packets are used to establish and maintain adjacency with other OSPF routers. The hello protocol is discussed in detail in the next topic.
2. DBD - The Database Description (DBD) packet contains an abbreviated list of the sending router's link-state database and is used by receiving routers to check against the local link-state database.
3. LSR - Receiving routers can then request more information about any entry in the DBD by sending a Link-State Request (LSR).
4. LSU - Link-State Update (LSU) packets are used to reply to LSRs as well as to announce new information. LSUs contain seven different types of Link-State Advertisements (LSAs). LSUs and LSAs are briefly discussed in a later topic.
5. LSAck - When an LSU is received, the router sends a Link-State Acknowledgement (LSAck) to confirm receipt of the LSU.
OSPF router initial procedure
- Sending Hello packets on all OSPF-enabled interfaces to determine if there are any neighbors on those links. OSPF Hello packets are sent as multicast to an address reserved for ALLSPFRouters at (By default, OSPF Hello packets are sent every 10 seconds on multiaccess and point-to-point segments and every 30 seconds on non-broadcast multiaccess (NBMA) segments (Frame Relay, X.25, ATM). )
- Before two routers can form an OSPF neighbor adjacency, they must agree on three values: Hello interval, Dead interval, and network type.
- Send Link-state updates (LSUs) to advertise routing information. An LSU packet can contain 11 different types of Link-State Advertisements (LSAs).
- LSA type: 1 Router LSAs
- type 2 Network LSAs
- type 3 or 4 Summary LSAs
- type 5 Autonomous System Extrenal LSAs
- type 6 Multicast OSPF LSAs
- type 7 Defined for Not-So-Stubby Areas
- type 8 External Attributes LSA for BGP
- type 9,10,11 Opaque LSAs
- Each OSPF router maintains a link-state database containing the LSAs received from all other routers. Once a router has received all of LSAs and built its local link-state database.
- OSPF uses Dijkstra's shortest path first (SPF) algorithm to create an SPF tree.
- The SPF tree is then used to populate the IP routing table with the best paths to each network.
Eigrp - what happens after network command is issued
Here is EIGRP message
As soon as you configure network command on eigrp, following things happen in the given order:
As soon as you configure network command on eigrp, following things happen in the given order:
Step 1. Hellos are sent.
Step 2. Receive Update.
Step 3. Run the dual and install the best route for the network learned in 2nd step.
Step 4. Send update about that interface.
An important observation here is that first of all, the above 4 steps are executed for directly connected networks.
You must be knowing this..i guess..
But notice their order..
Suppose there are two routers R1 and R2 connected via a serial link
Suppose there is a fast ethernet on each of the router R1 and R2..
Let the serial interfaces be named as R1S and R2S.
Let the fast ethernet interfaces be named as R1F and R2F
So R1 and R2 are connected via R1S and R2S...
As soon as u configure the network command, following things happen on Router R1..
a) Hello sent to R1F
b) Received update from R1F about that network
c) Run Dual and calculate the best path with the available data and feasible successor for the network learnt in step b. Enter the successor in routing table.
So you see, although local networks are already in the routing table, yet DUAL recalculates the best path and recreate the routing table with that network ..
d) Send update about network of R1F
"" At this stage ROUTING TABLE IS CREATED ( With one fastethernet network )...although Hellos are YET TO BESENT TO serial interface R1S. """
e) Hello sent to R1S
f) Received update from R1S about that network
g) Run Dual and calculate the best path and feasible successor for the network learnt in step f. Enter the successor in routing table.
h) Send update about network of R1S
After the above steps, neighbour adjancency is established with R2 if all the parameters are okay..
It is sent on one interface and then above 4 steps get executed in the above order.
Then hello is sent on 2nd interface and then again above 4 steps get executed in the given order.
Similar process goes on for the other interfaces that are enabled for receiving and sending EIGRP updates.
So routing table is created (though it is not complete) BEFORE hellos are sent out all the appropriate interfaces.
Sample IPTABLES configuration for workstation
# /etc/sysconfig/iptables # # IPTABLES sample config file for workstation # # Make sure you fix the appropriate <IPADDR> sections below, and add # duplicate entries as necessary (with different IPADDR's of course) # created by Bryan Cardillo # modified by Daniel Widyono # default policy - deny # # allow unrestricted icmp (should be tightened) # allow in/out dns to name servers # allow in/out ntp to ntp servers # allow unrestricted ssh out # allow ssh in from designated hosts # allow unrestricted in/out from internal interfaces # allow amanda server to contact and backup local filesystems # allow http, https access out # allow lpr client out # allow ftp client out *filter :INPUT DROP [0:0] :FORWARD DROP [0:0] :OUTPUT DROP [0:0]# LOGGING / DEBUGGING
-N accept-n-log -A accept-n-log -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "accept-n-log:" -A accept-n-log -j ACCEPT -N drop-n-log -A drop-n-log -j LOG --log-level 4 --log-prefix "drop-n-log:" -A drop-n-log -j DROP# internal interfaces
-A INPUT -i lo -j ACCEPT -A OUTPUT -o lo -j ACCEPT# all outgoing
-A OUTPUT -m state --state NEW,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT# icmp
-A INPUT -p icmp -j ACCEPT# ssh client
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 22 -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT# http client
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport http --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport https --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport webcache --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT# lpr client
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport printer -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT# ftp client (active and passive)
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport ftp -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport ftp-data -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --sport 1024: --dport 1024: -m state --state ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
RIP Timers
RIP uses four different kinds of timers to regulate its performance:
Route update timer Sets the interval (typically 30 seconds) between periodic routing updates
in which the router sends a complete copy of its routing table out to all neighbors.
Route invalid timer Determines the length of time that must elapse (180 seconds) before a
router determines that a route has become invalid. It will come to this conclusion if it hasn’t
heard any updates about a particular route for that period. When that happens, the router will
send out updates to all its neighbors letting them know that the route is invalid.
Holddown timer This sets the amount of time during which routing information is sup-
pressed. Routes will enter into the holddown state when an update packet is received that indi-
cated the route is unreachable. This continues either until an update packet is received with a
better metric or until the holddown timer expires. The default is 180 seconds.
Route flush timer Sets the time between a route becoming invalid and its removal from the
routing table (240 seconds). Before it’s removed from the table, the router notifies its neigh-
bors of that route’s impending demise. The value of the route invalid timer must be less than
that of the route flush timer. This gives the router enough time to tell its neighbors about the
invalid route before the local routing table is updated.
ref.: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide
Route update timer Sets the interval (typically 30 seconds) between periodic routing updates
in which the router sends a complete copy of its routing table out to all neighbors.
Route invalid timer Determines the length of time that must elapse (180 seconds) before a
router determines that a route has become invalid. It will come to this conclusion if it hasn’t
heard any updates about a particular route for that period. When that happens, the router will
send out updates to all its neighbors letting them know that the route is invalid.
Holddown timer This sets the amount of time during which routing information is sup-
pressed. Routes will enter into the holddown state when an update packet is received that indi-
cated the route is unreachable. This continues either until an update packet is received with a
better metric or until the holddown timer expires. The default is 180 seconds.
Route flush timer Sets the time between a route becoming invalid and its removal from the
routing table (240 seconds). Before it’s removed from the table, the router notifies its neigh-
bors of that route’s impending demise. The value of the route invalid timer must be less than
that of the route flush timer. This gives the router enough time to tell its neighbors about the
invalid route before the local routing table is updated.
ref.: Cisco Certified Network Associate Study Guide
Virtual(portable) desktop for XP - using MojoPAC
Step 1: go to the site and download mojopac
Step 2: When install the mojopac, you can select the locatation(C:, D: or removable USB) to install the virtual XP
When you finish the installation, you can find the mojo.exe, execute it to launch your virtual XP.
If you installed to other location, you can copy whole mojo directory to usb drive or other pc, so that you not need to install again.
Step 1: go to the site and download mojopac
Step 2: When install the mojopac, you can select the locatation(C:, D: or removable USB) to install the virtual XP
When you finish the installation, you can find the mojo.exe, execute it to launch your virtual XP.
If you installed to other location, you can copy whole mojo directory to usb drive or other pc, so that you not need to install again.
Cisco router password recovery
step 1: press Ctrl+Break once the router boot up
step 2:
rommon 1>confreg 0x2142
rommon 2>reset
0x2000 is boot default ROM software
0x0040 is ignore NVRAM
the last 2 is to specifies default boot file name
Router default register is 0x2102, you can check it by "sh version"
step 2:
rommon 1>confreg 0x2142
rommon 2>reset
0x2000 is boot default ROM software
0x0040 is ignore NVRAM
the last 2 is to specifies default boot file name
Router default register is 0x2102, you can check it by "sh version"
Ubuntu 9.04 on intel GMA500 configuration
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-mobile.list
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys C6598A30
Now that your Ubuntu-Mobile Key is added do the Following.
The Following Packages need to be Installed Most are Dependences.
* psb-firmware - Binary firmware for the Poulsbo (psb) 3D X11 driver
* psb-modules - Kernel module built for -generic or -lpia kernel
* psb-kernel-source - Kernel module for the Poulsbo (psb) 2D X11 driver
* psb-kernel-headers - Kernel module headers for the Poulsbo (psb) 2D X11 driver
* xpsb-glx - X11 drivers for Poulsbo (psb) 3D acceleration
* poulsbo-driver-3d - Metapackage for the 3D Poulsbo (psb) X11 driver.
* poulsbo-driver-2d - Metapackage for the 2D Poulsbo (psb) X11 driver.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install poulsbo-driver-2d poulsbo-driver-3d psb-firmware
sudo apt-get install psb-kernel-source
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
#Option "DRI" "off"
Option "IgnoreACPI" "yes"
Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "False"
sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ubuntu-mobile.list
deb jaunty main
deb-src jaunty main
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys C6598A30
Now that your Ubuntu-Mobile Key is added do the Following.
The Following Packages need to be Installed Most are Dependences.
* psb-firmware - Binary firmware for the Poulsbo (psb) 3D X11 driver
* psb-modules - Kernel module built for -generic or -lpia kernel
* psb-kernel-source - Kernel module for the Poulsbo (psb) 2D X11 driver
* psb-kernel-headers - Kernel module headers for the Poulsbo (psb) 2D X11 driver
* xpsb-glx - X11 drivers for Poulsbo (psb) 3D acceleration
* poulsbo-driver-3d - Metapackage for the 3D Poulsbo (psb) X11 driver.
* poulsbo-driver-2d - Metapackage for the 2D Poulsbo (psb) X11 driver.
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install poulsbo-driver-2d poulsbo-driver-3d psb-firmware
sudo apt-get install psb-kernel-source
sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf.bak
sudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf
Section "Monitor"
Identifier "Configured Monitor"
Section "Screen"
Identifier "Default Screen"
Monitor "Configured Monitor"
Device "Configured Video Device"
Section "Device"
Identifier "Configured Video Device"
Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
#Option "DRI" "off"
Option "IgnoreACPI" "yes"
Option "MigrationHeuristic" "greedy"
Section "ServerFlags"
Option "DontZap" "False"
文章 (Atom)
- Setup Openssl + freeRADIUS
- RADIUS Issues
- RADIUS authentication procedure
- Linux - Ubuntu general shortcut
- Eigrp - what happens after network command is issued
- Sample IPTABLES configuration for workstation
- RIP Timers
- Virtual(portable) desktop for XP - using MojoPAC
- Cisco router password recovery
- Ubuntu 9.04 on intel GMA500 configuration