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Full backup NTFS partition using Linux

Suppose backup partition is sda1 (The first partition on master HD) and the backup data will store on another system/drive

0. Optional step, backup boot menu if your using multiboot. Do it in windows: bcdedit /export "C:\bcdbackup\bcdbackup"
1. Bootup with rescue CD
2. mount another location to place the backup data, as example we use sda2
> mkdir /mnt/backup
> mount /dev/sda2 /mnt/backup
> dd if=/dev/sda of=sda.mbr bs=512 count=1    <----Backup MBR
> sfdisk -l /dev/sda > sda.sf         <---Backup
partition status
> ntfsclone --save-image -o - /dev/sda1 | gzip > sda1.pimg.gz <---Wait with coffee
3. Verify the backup data with "ls /mnt/backup"


1. Bootup with rescue CD
2. Start to restore mbr, partition status and partition
> mkdir /mnt/backup
> mount /mnt/backup
> cd /mnt/backup

> dd of=/dev/sda if=sda.mbr bs=512 count=1
> sfdisk -f /dev/sda < sda.sf
> mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1
     <------create special or ordinary file for sda1, so you need to check major and minor number
> gunzip < sda1.pimg.gz | ntfsclone -r -O /dev/sda1 -
3. Optional step, do it in windows:
bcdedit /import "C:\bcdbackup\bcdbackup"