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Zimbra - Distribution list control by Milter server

Enable Milter server

from web admin console:
Configure - Global Settings - MTA
check Enable milter server

by command:
[root@mail ~]$ su - zimbra
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmprov ms `zmhostname` zimbraMilterServerEnabled TRUE
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmmailboxdctl restart
Stopping mailboxd...done.
Starting mailboxd...done.

[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmmtactl restart
Rewriting configuration files...done.
postfix/postfix-script: refreshing the Postfix mail system Stopping saslauthd...done.
Starting saslauthd...done.
Stopping opendkim... done.
Started opendkim: pid 12355

[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmmilterctl start Starting milter server...done.
[zimbra@mail ~]$ zmmilterctl status Milter server is running.

Specific senders for a distribution list
zmprov grr dl distributionlist@yourdomain.dom usr user@yourdomain.dom SendToDistList

Allow specific domain to send to a distribution list 
zmprov grr dl distributionlist@yourdomain.dom dom thedomain.dom SendToDistList

Deny specific domain to send to a distribution list 
zmprov grr dl distributionlist@yourdomain.dom dom thedomain.dom -SendToDistList