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Fine tune your VM - Extend vm disk size in Linux

Step1: Login with admin, shutdown your PC

Step2: Eg: Extend your vm to 40GB
vmware-vdiskmanager -x 40GB winxp.vmdk
Then your disk space would be expanded, but the free space is not assigned to your system.

Step3: List your registered vm, check the ID
vmware-vim-cmd vmsvc/getallvms

Step4: Poweron your vm
vmware-vim-cmd vmsvc/power.on 96

Step5: If you the vm is windows, then go to computer manager to assign the free space to C: or D: as you like.
To expand system driver (such as C: which holding winxp) then you may need to do it with thrid party partition tools. Here you can get more information:

